I have a snot problem.  It's allergies year round.  I used to take a prescription for it and I suffered from side effects.  So I asked my super awesome Ear, Nose, Throat doctor what I could start doing to avoid taking a drug that would help with my constant sinus issues.  He said "use this everyday" and he handed me a NeilMed Sinus Rinse kit.  It has changed my life.

I've seen NeilMed Sinus Rinse kits at Walmart this year for $10, not bad!  It's not an expensive thing, but it's a very "different" thing to do.  You are squirting water up one side of your nose and waiting for it to come out the other side.  Rinsing away allergens and extra mucous in the process.  It takes awhile to get used to, but it can make a huge difference. Watch the video below and several more funny and sorta gross ones on YouTube to get familiar with the process.  Good luck my friends!

P.S. I don't buy the extra NeilMed salt packets, but rather the much cheaper bags of salt for Neti pots(another nasal rinse method).


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