It never fails that on a morning when I am already running super late for work, I get stuck behind the slowest driver possible.

I am not talking about someone just going a few miles per hour under the speed limit, but sometimes I get behind people who are travelling at speeds almost 10-20 mph below.

It’s understandable to be a cautious driver on the roads, but with all of the accidents happening around here lately, I can’t help but wonder if the people who drive that far below the speed limit, don’t play just as big of a role in causing accidents, as those who are speeding. In my opinion, if a driver is going at an extremely slow speed, they play a negative impact on the flow of traffic around them. Their lack of speed might result in other drivers becoming frustrated and in turn, try to pass or get around them, when sometimes it is not at the safest location, or the other driver might not be expecting it. Also, accidents are bound to occur if a slower vehicle is causing traffic to build up behind them on the roadway, where the majority of the other drivers are all going at the proper speed.

In Colorado, there is currently a law where a driver can face a violation if they are driving in the left lane on a roadway where the speed limit is 65 mph or higher, and are not passing anyone. This is obviously to keep the flow moving, and over the past three years, there have been around 960 citations for those who have impeded traffic in this way. There has been some talk to implement a similar system in Colorado, penalizing those who effect traffic negatively with their slowness behind the wheel.

So, could ticketing slow drivers actually help reduce the amount of accidents and aid in the overall flow of traffic around Northern Colorado? Tell us your opinion below.

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