How many times has this happened to you? You wake up late, you  need to scramble to get ready and you grab your jeans and they smell horrible, so now you need to find something else to wear. Well, worry no more! Just get yourself a pair of scratch and sniff jeans.Naked & Famous Denim is utilizing the wonderful technology of scratch and sniff and applying it to your jeans. The scratch and sniff effect is created by using a coating of micro capsules that hold a bit of ‘perfume’ which is baked into the surface of the jeans. Scratch it and the scent is released. Did I mention it smells like raspberries?

So, hello water conservation because it almost seems like you don't need to wash these jeans ever again. I am just glad that the scratch and sniff has moved on to something bigger and better than the stickers and markers that I loved as a kid.

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