First of all, I am pretty sure that this would be how the zombie infection starts. Second, who thinks to do something like this? The story goes like this, man walks into a gambling parlor and begins touching the walls and the machines saying he had a serious staph infection that resists antibiotics. Right there I am pretty sure that I would have bolted, no sense to see if he was joking or not.He then went to the cashier and said that he was going to infect him unless he gave him the money. The cashier must be immune or likes taking risks and refused to give in to the demands. The man got frustrated and left and was later arrested by his description.

I know they have security footage of this and I want to see it! I want to see if my image of a guy going into a place and rubbing the walls and yelling is as funny as I think it is.

The article did not say if he in fact did have a staph infection.

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