In the next installment of "trash tv", I present to you 'My Teen Life'.

 This potential new reality show is looking for rebellious teens who call their own shots and like to party. They are looking for teens as young as 13!

"Parents, teachers and the haters are always in your business, but it's your life and you live it how you want to," the Backstage ad said. "If you're a modern-day teenage rebel with a hardcore lifestyle, we want to hear your story."

The casting notice had an advertisement attached that includes this message: "(expletive) parents. They're old and don't know (expletive). It's 4:20 and time for your friend Molly to tell your story."

As of right now, this show is just a thought but if it actually happens... I just don't know... it might be a new low for reality shows.


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