This Saturday is Random Act of Kindness Day and it's my hope everyone makes it a point to be a part of this.  Big or small, reach out to a stranger.

For those of you who have gone out of your way to do something nice for someone for no reason other than to be nice, thank you.  It's my hope that everyone makes it a point to go out of their way this Saturday and just do something nice for a complete and total stranger.

Could be anything.  Maybe buy a cup of coffee for someone or hand someone some cash at the gas pump. How about loading some groceries into someone's car, shoveling some snow or even washing a car.  Even if it's just to hold the door open for someone, please show that one random act of kindness; it can be contagious!

I have no idea who created this event last year but I like it and I wish it were an everyday kind of thing.  We are all so busy in our lives we find it hard to think about anything else sometimes.  You know how the saying goes...someone always has it worse, so let's pay it forward this weekend.

Please share this with every friend you have across the world and let's make this Saturday count.  Feel free to come back to this story on Sunday or Monday and leave a comment on what random act of kindness you handed out. Gonna be a busy day for me...


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