Today in animal lawsuit news, a resident in Pennsylvania is filing a lawsuit against a rodent that couldn't predict the weather right.

Remember Groundhog day? No, not the hilarious movie with Bill Murray. I am talking the day when the little groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his hole and lets us know if there is going to be more winter, or early spring. Well, this year remember he predicted early spring and its still been kind of wintery? Well, a guy in Butler County, PA isn't happy and thinks that the rodent lied and has taken legal action against the furry fellow.

Michael Gosmer is a prosecuting attorney and is not happy about the false forecast provided by the groundhog and plans to purse the case to the fullest extent of the law and is even, possibly calling for the death penalty against Phil.

“Let’s face it, Punxsutawney Phil has let us down,” Gosmer said. “I awoke this morning to a snowstorm, low temperatures and howling wind.” This is clear proof of fraud, according to Gosmer, and since Phil already lives in an effective jail in Punxsutawney (“Phil lives his life behind bars as it is”), that means that the only choice left is the death penalty. This is the only penalty available. Maybe it’s time for a Phyllis instead.


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