Project Freedom Ride Gives Dogs a Second Chance
Dogs that are in need of a good home get a second chance through this organization.
With a big heart and even a bigger passion to save the animals that are on an asap time limit, Roman, a boy from Colorado, helps find them their forever home! Roman and his mom take the dogs on the ride of their lives to a park where they run and play. Roman then features them in a video that helps get them seen as much as possible. Roman shows just how big his heart is by describing the best things about the dog. You can see with the videos just how much Roman loves each and every dog and animals in general.
Project Freedom Ride is Roman's way of helping all these dogs get a second chance at getting a loving forever home. See the latest dog that Roman features and help the latest dog that needs your help as soon as possible, on his website and the blog that Roman and his mom post, in hopes to save these animals lives. They are all local dogs as well, that are waiting for you to come and change their lives, as well as yours, for the better. Help Roman get all the dogs he loves adopted!
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