In the recent November elections citizens of Colorado and Washington State voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. President Obama stated in a Barbara Walters interview that the federal government will not go after the recreational users in Colorado and Washington.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

"... as it is, the federal government has a lot to do when it comes to criminal prosecutions," Obama said. "It does not make sense, from a prioritization point of view, for us to focus on recreational drug users in a state that has already said that under state law, that's legal." Said President Obama.

Colorado governor John Hickenlooper has recently signed the declaration officially legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in Colorado. However, law makers won't meet until January to set regulations on the use of marijuana.
When asked on whether or not the he condones legalizing marijuana President Obama said, "I wouldn't go that far," but what I think is that, at this point, Washington and Colorado, you've seen the voters speak on this issue."
A White House spokesman has touched on the subject by adding "there are bigger fish to fry" when it comes to marijuana and other drug use. He also found President Obama's comments comparable to his ideas on Medical Marijuana use.
It was noted that the using, growing or selling marijuana still remains illegal under federal law and any use of marijuana is illegal on any federal properties which include courthouses, federal buildings, national forests and parks as well as military bases.

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