Island Grove Park Flooded by Poudre River
Marty Curtis, Facebook

The Greeley Stampede is just 23 days away.  Right now it's completely under water. The Poudre River went over its banks at Island Grove Park and these photos show what the grounds looked like last night. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our friends at the Greeley Stampede.

A ton of volunteers showed up to help. We call them the Wranglers.

The first concern was to to protect transformers.

With just a few quick phone calls, we had a pretty good turn out. A big "Thank you" to the people that donated the sand and the sand bags. We volunteer because we love Rodeo, and after all, that's what our event is all about!! A huge shout out to all that came and helped out. Hopefully in the next few days the water will recede and then the 21st is work day and the Big Buckle Ball.
Stampede Wranglers go to work battling the flood
Stampede Wranglers, Facebook
Island Grove Park Flooded by Poudre River
Marty Curtis, Facebook
Island Grove Park Flooded by Poudre River
Marty Curtis, Facebook
Island Grove Park Under Water
Stampede Wranglers, Facebook

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