Good news, Pink fans. The singer and new mom, who was recovering from gallbladder surgery, has announced the title of her new single and it blows. Literally. It’s called ‘Blow Me (One Last Kiss).’ Oh Pink and her naughty, double-entendre title! We likey.

The singer announced the title in a video clip, which you can view below, by singing, “I’ve got an announcement.” She could barely contain her joy, since she is just getting back to work after giving birth to daughter Willow last June. She is so psyched to sing again that she does it to kick of her big reveal.

“I wrote it with Greg Kurstin and we had an incredible time,” the singer continued. “Willow played bells and bass on a couple of other songs.” She also said, “I think you are going to like because I really like it
and I like it enough for all of us. See ya soon.”

Pink also shared a photo of herself on her album photo shoot via Twitter, which is to the left. She was taking a break, and looks to be feeding her precious little baby girl. A mom’s work is never done, especially when you are a famous pop star like Pink.

She tweeted: “Lunchtime at my album photoshoot. Deborah Anderson takes some purty pictures: )”

Purty indeed, with two beautiful gals, surrounded by fancy clothes. What a life, ladies.

Watch Pink Reveal Single Title

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