I am sure you may have noticed some men walking around with what looks like dirt on their lip this month. It's not dirt, its hair and it probably because they are trying to grow a sweet mustache for Movember to raise awareness for men's health.  A few of us here at the office started growing our "stashes" at the beginning of the month and this is what we have so far.


As you can see... they are... well not that good, yet. We are all hoping that they are going to get fuller.

I can't speak for the rest of the crew but I have been getting some weird looks out in public but that is to be expected when it looks like you have a sick caterpillar on your lip. Also, my fiance is not a big fan of it. She laughs every time she sees me. I just have to keep reminding her it is for a good cause.

Beano showing off his stash
Beano showing off his stash

If you are in the same boat as us with the lack of a full stash, here are some words of wisdom from Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation.


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