This story is not for the faint of heart, in fact it is a bit disturbing. I guess that's why it's today's Say What!? A 70-year-old farmer went out to feed his animals and didn't return. After several hours had passed, the family became concerned and went to go look for him. When they got to the hog enclosure the found, on the ground, his dentures.  After more investigating from the family member he found out that the hogs that each weighed about 700 pounds, had eaten the poor farmer. Some body parts were strewn about the enclosure.

The sheriffs department began investigating and released this statement.

There are several scenarios being investigated, including that Mr. Garner had a health event, such as a heart attack, which then put him in a position where the hogs could consume him. Another scenario being investigated is that given the age and health of Mr. Garner, that one or more of the hogs knocked Mr. Garner to the ground, whereupon that hogs killed and consumed him. In addition, due to the unusual circumstances presented by this case, the Sheriff's Office is investigating to determine if foul play may have resulted in the death of Mr. Garner.


Officials are still trying to figure out exactly what happened.

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