NSFW: Give No F***s at DIY Adult Cross Stitch Night in Fort Collins
We've all seen those precious cross stitch projects on Etsy that say snarky sayings (and we all secretly want to buy them). But how about learning to create your own while drinking beer in Fort Collins?
Dungeons & Drafts is hosting a DIY adult cross stitch class taught by instructor Charlene on Sunday, February 12, from 3 to 6 p.m. All skill levels are welcome to attend for just $10, which includes all materials for one cross stitch design.
RSVP on Facebook here, and check out this site for other NSFW cross stitch ideas. If you can't attend or just want to buy the one in the image above (it costs $29.13), go to glamasaurus' shop on Etsy. (There are also a ton of others on Etsy, as previously mentioned.)