Fill The Boot

Every year since 1952, firefighters across the nation have been collecting money to support MDA: the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Last year firefighters in Northern Colorado were able to raise $11,000 in Greeley; over $15,000 in Fort Collins; and over $9,000 in Windsor. This year they will be setting up at different locations around Northern Colorado once again as they set out to Fill the Boot.

This fundraiser has become an iconic one for firefighters in departments across the country. It all began when a Boston fire fighter was approached by a family friend to help his child who was affected by muscular Dystrophy. They went out on the streets that year and collected $5,000. In 1954 the International Association of Fire Fighters officially announced MDA as it’s charity of choice.

Muscular Dystrophy is a group of muscle diseases that weaken the musculoskeletal system and hamper movement. The disease is characterized by worsening muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue. Different forms of the disease can crop up in people from infancy to late age and there is currently no cure. That is what fire fighters hope to change through their Fill the Boot campaign, and they hope that you will help by giving a donation this year.

There will be several kick of events around Northern Colorado, the first being this Saturday, July 27th, from 10AM to 4PM at Crabtree Brewing in Greeley; one dollar from the sale of each beer purchased will go to the Greeley Fill the Boot campaign. Fire fighters will also be on hand grilling hot dogs and hamburgers as well. The Windsor Fire Department will also be hosting a kickoff event at High Hops Brewery later in August; the date is yet to be determined. If you can't make it out to the breweries, fire fighters will be collecting around town at the following locations:

Fort Collins

The Fort Collins-Poudre Fire Authority will be collecting money between August 30th and September 2nd at King Soopers locations.


Greeley firefighters will be collecting during August 2, 3, 16, 17, 30, and 31st at Centerplace Market and Greeley King Soopers locations.


Windsor firefighters will be collecting from August 30th to September 1st at King Soopers and at the intersection of 7th and Eastman.


Loveland firefighters will be collecting from August 30th to September 2nd, and locations have not yet been established.

You can read all about the firefighters and their Fill the Boot Campaign on their official website.

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