NoCo Virus Tracker: Colorado Coronavirus, COVID-19 Fast Facts
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment released their most updated information regarding the COVID-19 Test Results in Colorado.
According to the Colorado COVID-19 Case Summary, last updated March 14 at 3 p.m., these were the test results for Colorado:
Positive*: 101
Negative**: 610
Total number of people tested**: 711
*Originally we classified cases as “presumptive positive” until they could be re-tested by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC confirmed we no longer need to send positive cases for re-testing because the test they perform is identical to the CDPHE testing. Therefore, all positive cases reported here are confirmed.
**Now that private labs are conducting testing, the positive cases number represents all positive cases in the state. The negative and total numbers represent just the confirmed data from the state lab. Private labs are not required to report negative numbers to the state.
Please note: information may change slightly as more information is collected on each patient.
Here is the list of positive cases by county of residence:
Adams: 6
Arapahoe County: 10
Denver County: 20
Douglas County: 4
Eagle County: 18
El Paso County: 3
Gunnison County: 6
Jefferson County: 9
Larimer County: 1
Mesa County: 1
Pitkin County: 2
Pueblo: 1
Summit County: 2
Weld: 3
Out of state visitors - 15 (Currently located in these counties:)
Pitkin - 9
Eagle - 2
Routt - 1
Denver - 1
Waiting on information - 2
Here is the list of positives cases by age:
Teenage – 3
20s – 9
30s – 19
40s – 20
50s – 19
60s – 13
70s – 13
80s – 5
Here is the list of positives cases by resident or visitor:
Residents: 85
Visitors: 16
Here is the list of positives cases by gender:
Female: 52
Male: 49