Few things are sadder than abandoned buildings.  Boarded up windows, ghostly outlines of where signs used to be...depressing, right?  Well luckily, new life is coming to one such derelict building in Fort Collins.

The old Maytag building at 1801 S College Ave will soon house several new businesses, including a restaurant pub that will also be a music venue.

The 5,800-square-foot pub will be below grade with the back opening up to a 600-square-foot patio and The Summit, a new student housing project expected to open later this summer. “They have some interesting and exciting ideas for the space,” (building owner Les Kaplan) said.

The building will also house a Subway (which is set to open this Wednesday), a cell phone store, and a yogurt shop, with one additional space still up for lease.

As a Fort Collins resident, it's really good to see the midtown area finally getting its act together.  I can't wait to see it when it's all done!

What else would you like to see built during this huge Midtown renovation project?

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