How many of you have stood outside of the bars in old town waiting for a cab? Trunk Drivers! They come to you and drive your car home for you. This idea is awesome and I can't believe I haven't heard about this. How does it work? Scooters! I'm a scooter nerd so I found this idea so ingenious. Check out how this works!

The service provides a driver for your own car. How does this work you ask? They have fold-able scooters! Brilliant!


The idea is that they meet you at your car with their scooter, they then fold up their scooter, put it in your trunk, drive you home, then they are on their way.

A lot of us have stood outside in old town waiting for what feels like hours for a cab ride home. Its never fun... besides after a fun night on the town who wants to waitfor a cab? I just discovered them on Facebook today and I'm an advocate of designated drivers so I just had to share this. Trunk Divers!


The company is called Trunk Drivers and they are dedicated to reducing drinking and driving in Fort Collins. They operate Friday and Saturdays providing a safe way home in Fort Collins. If you find yourself in old town and are in need of a ride... here is a safe way home. They do charge a fee and claim its no more than a cab fare but you don't have to wait as long.

Their number is 1 (970) 658-0806 and again operate Friday and Saturdays.

Check out their FACEBOOK and their WEBSITE

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