Sunday Funday? Nope.  New Belgium is going after another day, not part of the weekend.  Will you join them in their quest?

New Belgium Brewing is ready for a change. Ready to change the name of Thursday- to #ThirstDay!  Why not? Friday is so cool, then you have exciting Saturday, and Sunday is so laid-back!  Thursday is that day BEFORE the weekend. The primer day! Why NOT give it a new name to reflect its… IMPORTANCE!

And of course, it would take none other than a brewery to get the movement going!

New Belgium posted on their desire to change the name of Thursday. They need at least 100 signatures to get the thing in motion.

Actually, they’re going to have a rough time getting this accomplished, as they’re petitioning the Romans. You see, the Romans named the damn days… so they’re going right the top. Of a dead society.

Still…. #ThirstDay! #ThirstDay! #ThirstDay!

To help them out -- sign the petition HERE!


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