frappacinoI was perusing a story today about Starbucks planning to put calorie counts on their menus. Seems like a good idea to let people know just how many calories they are ordering, but the story had an asinine quote from a "personal trainer" that just blew my mind.

I had no idea I was drinking in 480 calories each time I get a cup of Frappuccino...I only get one two or three times a week, but I am a personal trainer so I do watch what I eat, I like the idea of letting us know what we are buying.

Are you kidding me?! If you're a personal trainer and you have no idea that a frozen concoction of cream and sugar has a lot of calories, I don't think you have any place telling me how to get healthy!

(Now, I have to give this lady some slack because who knows if her quote was taken out of context or not, but yeesh...)

Really people, calorie counts or not, a double mocha macchiato frappuccino with chocolate chips, a shot of hazelnut flavor and whipped cream and caramel on top is not going to be a low-calorie beverage. Ever.

Dang those things are delicious though.

Oh, that story also included the news that Starbucks will be increasing the prices on brewed coffee, tea, latte and espresso drinks by about a dime.

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