This is one of those stories that causes you to wonder about people and what is wrong with the world.

An American divorcee living in Britain wanted another kid so bad that she went to drastic measures. She is a mother of three adopted children but was unable to adopt a 4th so she devised a plan that in my opinion, is really messed up.

The mother started using syringes of donor sperm on her 14-year-old daughter to get her pregnant so she could raise the child.

The judge said it was likely but not certain that the daughter soon became pregnant and suffered a miscarriage. After six more attempts with the donor sperm, she gave birth to a baby boy in July 2011, when she was 17.

You have got to be kidding me!

The said mother is serving a five-year jail term for child cruelty. I don't think that is long enough.

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