Meet February’s Northern Colorado Teacher of the Month
While it wasn't quite #TeacherTuesday, Micah Jennings was surprised Thursday (Feb. 20) as the Northern Colorado February Teacher of the Month.
The educator at Greeley's Fred Tjardes School of Innovation won the monthly voting contest.
Jennings won a $500 check for her school and a free oil change from Ozzie's Body Shop.
Also as a special February prize, Jennings' students each win a pair of tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters upcoming Feb. 28 performance at Loveland's Budweiser Events Center.
A Harlem Globetrotters star made a video announcement (see below) to all of the students announcing the prize.
Jennings was one of six monthly finalists.
Her favorite thing about being a teacher is...
My favorite thing about being a teacher is building relationships with kids. Relationship-building goes a long way and makes moments of of revelation, celebration and all communication all the more meaningful.
Teacher Tuesday is made possible by the University of Northern Colorado, Thompson River Pediatrics and Ozzie's Bodyshop.
Feb. Teacher Tuesday Winner

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