I am on a weight loss journey myself and found this guy's story very inspiring! 
I have shed over 30lbs since the beginning of November and I am feeling great! I can only begin to imagine how this guy feels after losing this much weight. Ronnie Brower, lost 425lbs over the course of 2 years and he is crediting Taylor Swift's music as part of his motivation! Ronnie shook off the weight and left a blank space in his waist line! Check out the very impressive transformation...

After the massive amount of weight lost, Ronnie had to have 35lbs of excess skin surgically removed. The procedure took 15 hours leaving him with scars. Ronnie told Inside Edition that he doesn't mind one bit and tells people he was bit by a shark! Not only did he lose weight become healthy and happy, he also met the love of his life during his weight loss. She even has an impressive weight loss story herself! Go Ronnie, you're an inspiration to us all, certainly to those of us who are trying to lose weight ourselves.

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