How can you see how much some one loves you? How about faking your own death and see how they react. Morbid right? That is exactly what a wealthy man in Russia did. He wanted to ask his girlfriend to marry him, but he wanted to know how much she cared and he wanted to show her how sucky her life would be without him.How did he pull off this elaborate stunt? He hired a stuntman, a make-up artist, a screenwriter, and a directer to stage a phony car crash. I mentioned he was wealthy right? 30-year-old Alexey then called his girlfriend Irina to meet him at certain place at a certain time so she could see the accident.

"When I arrived there were mangled cars everywhere, ambulances, smoke, and carnage," Irina  told Russian media. "Then when I saw Alexey covered in blood lying in the road a paramedic told me he was dead and I just broke down in tears."

When he saw her break down, he "resurrected" himself, walked over to her and proposed. She said that she contemplated killing him for real, but in the end she said yes.

"I wanted her to realize how empty her life would be without me and how life would have no meaning without me," Alexey said. "I think it worked but I promise it's the last time."

Kind of messed up, right?

How would you react if your significant other pulled a stunt like this?

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