Why is the logo of this soy sauce the death star?
Here is a lesson in life. When your friends dare you to do something, make sure you really, really think about it.  A 19-year-old in Virginia gave into a dare and drank a quart of soy sauce. No big deal right? Well, he fell into a coma after he drank it for 3 days and then woke up on his own. What caused the coma you ask? Too much salt is the answer.

As soon as he drank the sauce, he began twitching and having seizures. At the hospital doctors had to purge his body of salt using sugar water.

Here is the real kicker. According to the Journal of Emergency Medicine, he is believed to be the first person to have deliberately od'd on such a high amount of salt and survived with no last neurological effects. I think this guy should count himself lucky.

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