A major overhaul in the way Coloradans vote has been approved by the state House.

According to the Coloradoan, the proposal passed in the House despite unanimous opposition from House Republicans.

If passed in the Senate as well, voting will change drastically in Colorado.  The voting bill:

  1. allows same-day voter registration (meaning you can register to vote on voting day and still cast your ballot),
  2. would ensure that a ballot be sent to every voter through the mail (so you would always have the choice of mailing in your ballot or voting in person),
  3. would eliminate the "inactive voter" classification (which presently restricts people from obtaining future ballots if they don't vote), and
  4. would establish "voting centers" where any voter can cast his or her ballot (rather than requiring voters to go to specific precinct polling places).

Republican leaders contend they were excluded from the bill crafting. Democrats counter that Republican election clerks were part of the process.

Maybe I just don't have all the information, but I'm a little confused about why Republican House members opposed this bill.  It seems to me like it's going to make voting in Colorado a lot easier.

Are you for or opposed to this voting bill?  Either way, leave a comment and let us know why!

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