Local Event: Windsor High School Theatre Presents “Almost, Maine”
Almost, Maine may be set in one of America's northern-most states, but this weekend, it's taking place right here on Main St.
From Thursday, November 14, to Saturday, November 16, the Windsor High School Theatre Department presents Jon Cariani's Almost, Maine at 7 p.m. in the Windsor High School Auditorium.
The play focuses on the love lives of various residents in Almost, Maine, a town so far north it almost doesn't really exist (hence the name).
It is divided into short scenes revolving around Almost's couples, as they experience the power of the human heart on one magical night under the northern lights.
Julie Estrada, Windsor High School's Theatre Director, is directing the production.
This will be the 37th show she has directed at the high school, but Almost, Maine holds a special place in her heart.
"...it has been one of the most rewarding plays that I have done as we have tackled a very different show for us and for the Windsor community," said Estrada.
One of the most exciting things about the play is that it was able to feature so many Windsor Wizards — 21 students appear in the cast, while around 40 others helped with the show's technical side.
Tickets can be purchased here, and are $10.50 for adults. Students and children under 10 years old (the show is family-friendly) are able to get in for around $8.00.
So, instead of staying inside and watching The Notebook for the millionth time, consider supporting your local high school by watching a live romantic comedy this weekend.
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