Lady Gaga Performs ‘Venus’ + ‘Do What U Want,’ Makes Up With Sharon Osbourne on U.K. ‘X Factor’ [VIDEO]
Lady Gaga performed two songs on the U.K. version of 'X Factor' last night (Oct. 27). Ma Monster did a lot in the space of seven minutes, including hugging it out with Sharon Osbourne, whom she was feuding with earlier this year.
For the perf, Gaga started out seated, cradling an acoustic guitar, with a cascade of blond hair following around her face as she sang 'Venus' a cappella. She looked to be naked, but the guitar merely covered her seashell bikini.
She then launched in the rest of 'Venus,' surrounded by Botticelli-like artwork, which was hanging behind her. When she greeted her audience, saying, "Hello London" in a faux British accent, not unlike the one Madonna had adopted in the past. But we're not going to say that Gaga is reductive because she's not. She's just enunciative.
It was a theatrical and full of Gaga drama. It was impossible not to love to it.
For 'Do What U Want,' her sexy romp with R.Kelly, she ditched the wig for a shorter, brown shag which may or may not have been her natural hair and hue.
Mama Monster writhed and strutted all over the stage solo before sitting behind a piano.
Can we just say something? On the 'ARTPOP' cycle, Gaga is all friend brimstone with her performances. We're feeling it.
Post-perf, Gaga said she chose these two songs for her perf in order to show the breadth of the album. She was winded, since she just entertained the hell out of us.
"Becoming famous so fast was the one of the hardest things I ever went through," she said. "But at the end of the day, really, all I care about is being a performer and making you smile."
The host then asked, "You and Mrs. O. are cool right?"
That's when Gaga said they had spent time together and she hopped off the piano on which she was seated and ran over to Sharon. The divas hugged it out! That almost made us cry. We don't like to see Gaga fight with anyone.