King Soopers To Soon Offer COVID Anti-Body Tests for $25
You will soon be just a finger prick away from an at-home COVID-19 antibody test.
According to 9News, Kroger Co., King Soopers' parent company, will be the first U.S. retailer to sell rapid antibody testing. Kroger plans to begin stocking its pharmacies with the product in November.
A drop of blood, $25, and 15 minutes are all it takes for the antibody test, provided by Whitmire Medical, to determine if your body is carrying the virus which causes COVID-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2.
Although, if you think you currently have coronavirus, you should not take the antibody test as it detects if your body is responding to the virus, not the virus itself.
The question of whether or not having COVID will protect you from getting it in the future, similar to chicken pox, is ongoing.
This antibody test will determine if, after having COVID, your body is still carrying antibodies to fight off the virus in the future.

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