You read that title and thought party animal Ke$ha is trying to change her image, didn't you? Well, she kind of is. Ke$ha is starting a new anti-seal clubbing campaign. Not the clubbing you thought huh. She appears in a new ad campaign for PETA with the slogan, "Canada's club scene sucks". She is hoping to bring attention to and stop the annual seal hunt in Canada.

Ke$ha spoke out;

I was lucky enough to get to watch a bunch of wild seals recently and truly fell in love with these amazing creatures. Canada gets to be host to harp seals each year during their migration to the ice to give birth which is beautiful and peaceful. But because the babies' fur is so soft, there are people who club and brutally kill these young animals. The Canadian seal slaughter is barbaric and archaic."

Some fisherman responded saying that she doesn't understand that there is an over-population of seals and this helps control it.

What are your thoughts?

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