The music industry lost a true entertainer on Thursday when Prince passed away at the young age of 57. And no one can copy the impact he has had in radio.

As a kid, I always wanted to be in radio. It was a passion of mine to hear personalities from my hometown of Boston introducing artists who wrote lyrics that meant something.

Artists who connected with the audience through the words they sang, and the instrumentals they produced.

Artists who made it look so simple, but they dedicated their lives to the craft every day to make themselves better and to captivate a world onto their own passion.

Prince encapsulated all of this in his music, his presence, and his style.

2016 has been a very rough year for the musicians who we grew up with, and who made an impact on our daily lives.

Losing Prince on Thursday is much bigger than life today. It shakes the entire music world and community. No matter if you like country music, pop music, or rock've had one moment in your life that you turned up a Prince song while driving in your car.

After news broke, I thought about the songs from Prince that I always loved when they played on the radio. It didn't matter if I was in the car, or in the studio, I think I have blown a few speakers listening to his music.

Here are the five songs that I feel like had the most impact on me. How about you? Which songs will you always remember, and will go down in time as some of the best in music history?

Let me know below. And RIP Prince. Thank you for not only what you did for the music community, but also the radio community. You had more of an impact on all us than you may have realized.


I will tell you that whenever this song came on the radio, it was an instant turn all the way up.

2.) KISS

As soon as this song came on the radio, it was one you turned up and sang along with. Here's a fun Justin Tyler fact for you as well: This song was my first cassette single. When those were cool to have.


This is another SMASH Prince song that just had a great beat to it and no matter what you were doing, you stopped doing it and danced in your living room to this song.


First off, let me tell you that if this story was a mix tape, it would be the perfect one for a long road trip. Driving in the car and need a pick me up? Raspberry Beret was the perfect song for it.

5.) 1999

Lastly, "1999" was the anthem as we wrapped up the 90's. But even when I hear it now. WOW. Just plain FUN.



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