Small Town Update: 2 Big Changes Coming to Windsor, Colorado
Folks who live, work, and visit Windsor should prepare themselves for a couple of big changes coming to town. In the end, these two changes are going to (hopefully) bring smiles to many.
It's funny how both the changes involve the main thoroughfare through the town, Main Street. Wil people jump for joy at both of the changes? Perhaps not, but lots of people will see the benefit of both of the changes.
The Town of Windsor, Colorado, dates back to the late 1800's and early 1900's, being known for its sugar (beet) factory and the railroad. German settlers worked the beet fields, and the railroad would not only bring people into Windsor, but would take the sugar out of town. In the 1960's, the sugar factory closed, but then Kodak came to town. Though there is still work going on at the Kodak campus, it's definitely not like it was back in the 70's, 80s, and 90's.
It's like they say, "The only thing constant, is change." Now, these two changes coming are not on the same scale as the sugar factory or Kodak, by no means, but they will have people saying, "really?"
This is going to be great. After decades of the annual Windsor Harvest Festival Parade going down Walnut and onto 7th Street, for the 2023 event, the parade will go down Main Street.
Though the exact route is not yet confirmed, the Town and Mayor Paul Rennemeyer have set up an agreement with the Colorado Department of Transportation to block-off Main Street to hold the parade. How fun will it be to see all those floats/entries going down Main?
This is a change that may be met with some nay-sayers, if only the commercial truck drivers. A stretch of Highway 392 (Main Street) will see the speed limit go from 30 mph to 25 mph.
The reason for the speed limit change is that the town has been granted funding to install 'Wayfinder signage" in the Downtown area, showing people which way to go for the varied active spots, such as Main Park, the museum, Boardwalk Park, etc.
From the Town of Windsor's Downtown Development Authority:
When we started the [Wayfinder signs] design process, it was brought to our attention that if our speed was to stay at 30mph, that the signs were going to be HUGE. That would look awful in our downtown. We applied to have the speed reduced to 25mph to give us the ability to reduce the height of the signs and we were successful.
So, a portion of Main Street, in Downtown will see a speed limit of 25 mph. This may also deter some commercial traffic form coming through Windsor and perhaps see them going around Windsor for more efficiency. This could really be a big win, for businesses in Downtown and visitors to town. Less big, loud, commercial transit vehicles on Main Street would lead to a better overall experience.
The speed change will be between 1st Street and 7th Street:
How do you feel about these upcoming changes?