Recently, there’s been a wave of bans that have been affecting Coloradans over the past few weeks.

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For one, products that contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) have recently been banned in Colorado. The substances that are known to cause cancer will be slowly fazed out of Colorado stores.

On the other hand, a Colorado town recently made a drastic change in what its residents are allowed to buy.

Breckenridge passed a ban that will completely stop the sale of bottled water in the city.

However, another ban will be affecting Coloradans this week, and it’s something that they may have planned on doing for the holiday.

Fire Bans to Affect Coloradans During Independence Day


As July begins, it means that we’re directly in the middle of fire season here in Colorado.

Because of this, multiple different counties are on high alert trying to prevent any fires from starting.

According to KDVR, there are three different counties that have put fire bans into place: Boulder, Gilpin, and Elbert.

What Are the Restrictions for Fires in Colorado?

If you happen to be in a place with a ban, essentially all types of fires are prohibited.

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office says on their website that the ban includes:

  • Building, maintaining, attending, or using an open fire, campfire, or stove fire on public lands. This includes charcoal barbecues and grills;
  • Fireworks sales, use, and possession, including permissible fireworks;
  • Shooting or discharge of firearms for recreational purposes on public lands except for hunting with a valid and current hunting license on public lands;
  • Smoking, except in an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least 10 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials;
  • Operating a chainsaw or any internal or external combustion engine without a USDA or SAE approved spark arrester properly installed and in effective working order, a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher kept with the operator and one round point shovel with an overall length of at least 35 inches readily available for use;
  • Welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame except in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter and in possession of a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher;
  • Using an explosive or doing any kind of blasting work; and
  • Parking motorized vehicles in grass or vegetated area that can come in contact with the underside of the vehicle.

However, they do make one exception.

You’re allowed to have a fire at permanent fire pits and fire grates on both public recreation and private locations.

Hike to the Once-Planned Presidents' Summer House in Colorado

Gallery Credit: Kelsey Nistel

The Top 11 Easy Hikes Near Fort Collins (Plus, These are the Prettiest, too)

There are many great trails in and around Fort Collins, Colorado, that range from easy to hard in difficulty. Let's take an alphabetical look at the top 11 easiest and prettiest hikes to take in and near Fort Collins.

Gallery Credit: Dave Jensen