We know that yawning is contagious, but now scientists have also confirmed that viewing somebody itch makes a person more likely to itch themselves.


Researchers at Wake Forest University had 25 volunteers watch a five minute video of a person either scratching their arm or sitting idly. As the videos played, the volunteers who were viewing the images of scratching were twice as likely to start scratching, as well.

In a little bit or irony, I caught myself scratching my head while I was reading this story, go figure.

Why is itching contagious?  the experts say that our impulse to mimic the itching of others may have evolved as a way to prevent parasitic infestations from begin transmitted to one another.

So, now you have a new way to keep yourself entertained the next time your stuck in a boring meeting, just start scratching behind your ear and see how many people you can give "the itch" to before the end.  Maybe throw a few yawns in there too, just for kicks.

Here is the link that also talks about the scientific conclusions that yawning is also contagious.

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