I actually braved opening night to see this film because I was that excited about it.

Honestly, I don't have to much to say about this movie. If you enjoyed the other 'Iron Man' movies or any of the other comic book movies, you will more than likely like this. If you follow the comic closely, you might get annoyed at some parts but overall you should enjoy it as well.

No Spoilers here.

The film doesn't really have an low points and the action is awesome, especially the climactic battle. It is a pretty solid movie and I really enjoyed the fact that they referenced 'The Avengers' every once in a while, which in turn made me excited to see what the other Marvel movies are going to do. Another high point is the little kid that is in this film. He rocks! He was a great add to this movie.

There was one part in the movie that I don't know if I agree with, but its probably just me. Also the ending left some questions up in the air for the 2nd Avengers, but it was an improvement from 'Iron Man 2'

I really enjoyed this movie and give it 4 1/2 out of 5 Giant Rabbits (see the movie :) )

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