Husband Suprised At DIA When Wife Picks Him Up In Wedding Dress
A woman from Parker, CO dusted off her wedding dress in order to surprise her husband Wednesday morning when she picked him up at DIA.Derek Matthews was surprised as he returned to Colorado after a business trip exactly 14 years after he married his wife Lucy Matthews. Lucy went to pick her husband up on their anniversary but "wanted to do something to make him feel really important and special,” wearing her original wedding dress, Matthews waited for her husband holding a sign saying "Derek, I'll do it all over again. I love you."
Matthews waited anxiously by the arrival elevaters for her husband to appear at the top of the steps.
When he finally reached the top of the escalator he was not expecting what was in store. He finally looked up and saw his bride just feet away. I wasn't expecting you at all, especially in a dress. "I’m so glad we’re together.’ He kept telling me, ‘I’m going numb, I’m going numb,” he said.
She admits it wasn't easy to walk into the airport wearing a wedding dress, but she knew she wanted to do something special for her husband. "It was very embarrassing. But leaving your comfort zone for someone you love is the best way to spend your day,” Matthews said.
“I was trying to bless him, and I got blessed doing it. Hundreds of people took my picture, and our picture. One guy walked by and told me ‘You just made my day. Love is still alive,’” she said.
The Colorado couple are still as happy as the day they married.