The Humane Society of Weld County has received a grant from the Animal Assistance Foundation that will provide free sterilization services to 300 feral and stray cats living in the area by practicing the idea of "Trap-Neuter-Return."

If you live in Weld County and happen to have a stray cat that frequently pays your porch a visit, or maybe you provide care for one, yet it spends a majority of its life as an outdoor cat, now is the perfect chance to bring it in to the Humane Society to have it neutered or spayed at absolutely no cost. Not only does TNR improve the lives' of these free-roaming felines, but the practice also helps to control the wild cat population so that we don't have hundreds of strays reproducing and running all over the place. Plus, it also positively impacts their behavior towards humans, making them less aggressive and way less likely to fight other felines as well. Another benefit to this program is that it puts an end to catch-and-kill. Rather than being euthanized, these cats are let back out to live in the wild, upon being sterilized. In addition to being spayed or neutered, all of the cats that are brought in will receive rabies and distemper vaccines too. Weld residents can call for an appointment, and will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. The animal shelter is making the process even easier by lending out their cages so that stray and feral cats can be humanely trapped and brought in until the limit of 300 is reached.

Clinics are held Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Weld Humane facility at 1620 42nd St. in Evans. To make an appointment call (970) 506-9550.

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