Human Bean Helps Breast Cancer Research
You've seen the advertisements and pink décor all month long, now is your chance to help raise funds for Breast Cancer w/ Human Bean. The Human Bean is not only one of the best and most delicious coffee shops in Northern Colorado but they are one of the best businesses as well. Having a strong love for the Northern Colorado community, Human Bean is always looking for ways that they can help in areas that give back to the cities that they serve to. A lot of people are familiar with their Thankful Thursday, where they give a percentage of the proceeds to local charities and organizations. They also host guest baristas so you can meet the people that the proceeds are affiliated with.
Friday, October 20th, from 5am to 10pm, the Human Bean is holding their Coffee for a Cure. Portions of the proceeds won't go to cancer research because 100% of the profits made on October 20th will be going to North Colorado Medical Center Breast Cancer Fund, which helps local patients battling breast cancer to be able to receive biopsies, as well as treatment to beat cancer. You can also help contribute by entering their drawing for Human bean swag! You can purchase tickets up until October 20th and 100% of these proceeds will be donated as well!