We all know that if you break a mirror that is supposedly bad luck, but what about a haunted mirror? Apparently those are bad luck as well! A two guys in London found a mirror that their landlord had put in a dumpster outside their home and it was nothing but bad luck.   Since they had acquired it, they claim that they have suffered bad luck including financial problems and illness. They also claim that they have woken up screaming in pain, felt a sense of impending doom and that they spotted flickering shadows in the mirror.

That sounds like a bad list of side effects that you would expect to hear from a paranormal drug ad.

They decided to sell it on eBay after one of them woke up covered in deep red scratches. The disclosed the paranormal activities of the mirror and it sold for $155 on eBay to the only person that bid on it.

I wonder who would buy a mirror like that. Maybe the Crypt Keeper? Would you buy a mirror that had that disclaimer on it?

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