I still remember sitting in my older sister’s room as a kid every week listening to Casey Kasem’s Top 40 Countdown. Mr. Kasem turns 80’s years old today and we’re all happy to still have him around.

Aside from his music countdowns did you know that Casey voiced a number of cartoon characters as well? Even one of my beloved transformers.

Yup, Casey Kasem was the voice of ‘Cliffjumper’ (whom my scooter is named after) as well as ‘Robin’ from Superfriends, ‘Shaggy' from Scooby Doo, and countless other cartoon characters.

Let’s just say Kasem’s voice was a staple of my childhood. And I still get all sentimentail when I hear anything about a "long distance dedication."

Kasem retired from radio on 2009 and from voice acting in 2010. However, his legend lives on via his daughter, Kerri Kasem . She is making a name for herself in radio and is co-hosting Nikki Sixx's Sixx Sense broadcasts.

Just for kicks, check out this report Casey Kasem did on the ‘cutting edge’ technology of CD’s.


Happy birthday Casey, here's to many more!

What’s your favorite Casey Kasem memory?

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