A grocery store is adding an "age restriction," when it comes to buying eggs this Halloween in an attempt to curb the "tricks" that come with trick or treat. According to the Huffington Post, a Pennsylvania store posted a sign that stated minors were not allowed to purchase eggs between October 24, and November 1.


The "no eggs to minors" rule, is a chain-wide policy, the week around Halloween, stating that there, "Usually is not a good outcome" when minors buy eggs in late October. Even though they state that they have not received any complaints over their policy. However, some feel that the policy has problems. That is makes the assumption that anyone under the are of 18, is buying eggs for the sole purpose of using them to vandalize. It also doesn't take into consideration that in some households, the minor may be the person that purchases the food for their homes. For example, if the parent is physically disabled.

I know an egg seems harmless, but I also realize the damage an egg can do if it hits an unsuspecting person in the face, let alone what it can do to a cars paint job if gone unnoticed. So what do you think?

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