Today is another Friday the 13th, a day riddled with superstition. The idea that Friday the 13th is an “unlucky day” is one of the most widely-held superstitions in our country. Not me, I say bring it on!

I was diagnosed with cancer on a Friday the 13th back in March of 1998. Most people would consider that bad luck, but hey, I’m still sitting here writing this nearly 14 years later.

Bad luck, fate or whatever you want to call it…I’m not buying it. In fact I like to tempt this so-called fate and do as many ‘unlucky’ things as I can on Friday the 13th, just to show it who is boss.

Did you know that businesses lose over $900 million on Friday the 13th because so many people won’t fly or do business they would normally do?

That’s silly, but there is a scientific name for those that fear Friday the 13th. It’s called “Friggatriskaidekaphobia" - Noun; Etymology: From Frigga (Norse goddess associated with Friday) + triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13). [AllWords]

Look, if you’re convinced something bad will happen today your brain will find something to classify as ‘bad’ to rationalize your fear. And by expecting bad things to happen your brain will magnify anything bad that actually does happen to you and file it under “bad luck”.

Bad things happen all the time...If you’re looking for bad luck today, I bet you’ll find it.

Here is a Snopes article on Friday the 13th for those of you who want to dig a little deeper into the ridiculousness of this fear.

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