
According to the Coloradoan Fort Collins residents might be paying higher utility rates next year. Proposed changes in overall monthly city utility rates for 2012 include a 6% increase for water, an 8% increase for wastewater, and an 8.3% increase for electricity.

The average residential bill would go up about $4.44 per month with these proposed changes. Why are they thinking about hiking the rates?

Well, we've decreased our water usage over the past few years and the operational expenses for the city have gone up. Meaning they are bringing in less money and having to pay more, that's a pretty solid recipe for needing  higher prices.

Nothing is set in stone yet, and there are several ordinances being considered that could affect 2012 utility prices in Fort Collins, but I guessing you should count on paying a few extra bucks a month on your utility bills next year.

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