Since it is Easter Sunday, I found an article with five unknown facts about Easter. starting with :
1.) Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection in the Christian community
OK, you probably knew that and you probably know that Easter Sunday comes after "Good Friday." But did you know that the “Good Friday” is called “good” because the original translation from Latin meant “pious, holy or good.” I guess historians decided that "good" was the better way to go.

2.)Easter is named for a pagan goddess
The early Christians called their celebration Paschal, from the Hebrew word for the Passover feast, Pesach. She was goddess of fertility. Maybe that's why the German's decided to make the rabbit one of the biggest symbols of Easter.

3.)Easter is considered a “movable feast"
The First Council of Nicaea, who were important Christians way back in the day, they used the Hebrew calendar to decide Easter should fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

4.) The Easter Bunny has nothing to do with Christianity
That's kind of self explanatory. But when it comes to the traditional celebration of Easter, the bunny has nothing to with the Christan celebration.( I still love the bunnies anyway!)

5.) No one knows for sure where the egg-coloring came from.
It’s theorized that it was done to symbolize the vibrant colors of spring and blooming flowers. Some time later in the 19th century, some smart Ukrainian people began making eggs out of chocolate called Pysanka. The candy thing just escalated from there.

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