Have you logged on to FindSportsNow.com and registered and/or paid for a recreational program in Greeley? You might want to do some double-checking and make sure you weren't scammed.According to a press release from the City of Greeley, the city's Culture, Parks, and Recreation Department was notified by the Colorado Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA) that FindSportsNow.com, a possibly fraudulent web site, has been listing Greeley Recreation activities and registrations, posting programs and collecting registration fees, but in at least three instances, those fees have not been passed along to where they were supposed to go.

Findsportsnow.com has been listing several park and recreation agency programs, claiming to be a 'one stop shop' for registering for these sports programs. They are collecting personal information, including credit card numbers and charging a $2 'processing fee' for each transaction. Their website claims they are then passing along this registration information to the host agency. THIS has NOT been the case in three instances we are aware of! Several of our CPRA Agencies have been notified by customers that they had registered through this website, only to find out they had been scammed.

Just so you know, you cannot register for any Greeley Recreation programs and activities through a third party website such as FindSportsNow. The only safe and secure site to register for classes online is through the City of Greeley’s website or through the Active Communities site.

Hopefully you didn't get scammed. Spread the word.

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