Kristin Mastre,

I asked for brave, adventurous souls to join me.

It wasn’t because we were going to one of the haunted businesses in Fort Collins, where I’ve heard some pretty hair-raising ghost stories, it was because we were going to eat “back door sushi.” I’d heard about it, read the sign flashing “Late Night Sushi” in the window, and listened to people’s less-than-positive opinions about eating sushi in one of the biggest dive bars in Old Town.

As friends responded with excitement about eating sushi since it was one of their favorite foods, I was hoping they knew we’d be eating what we assumed to be sketchy rolls. This wasn’t a trip to Suehiro. I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong impression and be disappointed with the experience. I wanted to make sure that everyone who came with me, did so with low expectations and an iron gut.

That night eating sushi at the Vault tops out as one of my most favorite nights in Fort Collins.

I’ve been to the Vault many times before, and it’s always been an interesting place to drink. They have a variety of DJ’s on different nights ranging from Dubstep to Bluegrass, and the bartenders make a mean Mai-Tai. But, I’d never had the sushi.

The bar is named after the large bank vault that is right behind the taps from when the building was originally the Commercial Bank & Trust Co. in 1907 and converted into a bar in 1999. With 18 foot high ceilings, walls covered with local art, torn up chairs, horrific bathrooms (both in function and one of the haunted places in the building), graffiti penned on the patio tables, pool tables, DJ’s spinning beats, and an interesting late-night clientele – it’s a total dive bar.

And I love it...

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