It’s that time of year! No... Not pumpkin spice everything; I’m talking about GREEN CHILE everything! One could debate Colorado VS. New Mexico chiles, but we can all agree they are both delicious!

Credit Matt Sparx via Facebook
Credit Matt Sparx via Facebook

People who have never had these charred green bundles of spicy joy ask me what you do with them… Easy answer put them on EVERYTHING! Eggs, stuff them with cheese, raw, burgers, burritos, fish… THEY MAKE ANYTHING YOU EAT AWESOME! I literally eat them every single day. Plus, they are extremely healthy for you with 240% vitamin C, 39% vitamin B-6, 32% vitamin A, 13% Iron, 14% copper and 7% potassium per 100g!

What do you like to do with your green chiles and where do you like to buy them from?

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