51-year-old Allison Whelan and a friend were tripping on hallucinogenic nightshade plants and Lambrini wine when they stumbled upon a ferry. The climbed aboard and untied the boat because she was tired of tripping over the ropes. Her and her friend then realized that the shoreline was getting smaller as they drifted out to sea.As the ferry made its way on the water, people could hear her yelling, "I'm Jack Sparrow! I'm a pirate!" On lookers said it was like a pinball machine they way that her boat was just crashing into the other boats and bouncing off of them.

Officials jumped into boats trying to commandeer the would be pirates and Allison yelled at them, "What are you going to do now? I believe this is out of your jurisdiction." She was eventually caught and pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking and got a prison sentence of 122 days.

She admits that she can get a bit cocky when she has been drinking but panicked when she saw the cops.

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