I love it that no matter how old I am I can still be surprised by my parents with a random trip down to the Denver Aquarium. I forgot how much fun that place is. I love walking through and looking at the wide variety of fish and aquatic creatures. My only problem is sometimes when I look through one of the bubbles I feel like I have to old my breath because it feels like I am underwater.The cool thing about the Aquarium is they have more than just fish. They have hands on displays, where you can touch some the the creatures and of course the coolest part of it is the tiger exhibit chilling in the middle of the whole thing. Sadly, I forgot my decent camera for video and pictures, so my phone had to suffice.

I knew that it was going to be a great day when it started off with an otter doing back flips.

Then a little bit later in the day we got to witness the circle of life.

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