Denver Resuming Some Safer At Home Restrictions
The City of Denver is going back to stronger COVID-19 restrictions.
COVID numbers are spiking to a level that Colorado hasn't seen since April and Denver officials will announce moving back to Level 3 Safer at Home restrictions on Tuesday.
According to Fox 31 Denver, Level 3 'Safer at Home' orders mean the following:
- 25% capacity at places of worship, restaurants, offices, retail. personal services and outdoor recreation. Gyms can operate outdoors with less than 10 people while outdoor events have a 75 person cap. Senior facilities are closed to the public and remote learning is encouraged.
Ok Colorado, things are getting weird and if we want to have any resemblance of a normal holiday season we have got to take COVID seriously.
I was hoping to see some family for the holidays but also I have a 3-year-old's health to consider and a job id like to continue doing so I will be shamelessly rocking my mask.

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